Food Trucksgiving – Perfect Weather and Great Food Expected for Bryant Food Truck Festival

Things are shaping up nicely for our inaugural food truck festival, Food Trucksgiving, this Saturday at First United Methodist Church Bryant.
Weather is perfect: the rain is expected to clear out and it is going to be the warmest day in several weeks with highs in the mid 60’s. (Note, in the off chance it is raining, come out anyway. We have a contingency plan to move things inside.)
Food will be excellent. We have 10 of our favorite food trucks from across central Arkansas coming out. Everything from waffles to hot dogs, Asian to BBQ. So watch the Razorbacks beat Ole Miss, then head out for some great food. Or beat the crowd and show up early. The festival will run from 4 to 7ish.
Here is the lineup:
Hot Rod Wieners
Southern Salt
Waffle Wagon
Loblolly Creamery
Black Hound BBQ
Southern Gourmasian
Clean Eatery
Almost Famous
A few extra details:
Organizations: Several local non-profits will be on hand to tell about their organizations.

We will also collect can goods for CJCOHN and baby donations (especially diapers and formula) for New Beginnings. So if you have either of those to donate it would be well received.

Parking/Map: There will be ample parking available. Below is the map for parking and food truck setup

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